This panel provide participating law students of color with critical information about succeeding in their summer associate positions. The panel will be followed by a networking reception.
Students should be prepared to ask questions, network, and hear advice from a variety of panelists.
This event is opened to both 1Ls and 2Ls ahead of their 2025 summer positions, so they are equipped with further strategies to succeed.
Topics discussed
How to succeed in your summer position
Registrants will hear directly from members of Hiring Committees about how summers are assessed, including guidance on making a good first impression, how to recover from a mistake, how to get advice about expectations and unwritten rules, and examples of characteristics of successful summer associates.
Practical advice and strategies for succeeding in your legal career
Registrants will hear advice on effective communication, establishing mentors, building community and networks, strategies to establish yourself as reliable and trustworthy, more. This will be helpful as you prepare for your eventual transition from law student to young lawyer.
Panelists confirmed so far:
Kiman Kaur, Goulston & Storrs - Moderator
Cusaj Thomas, Goodwin
Young Park, Skadden
Additional panelists will be added as they are confirmed. This panel is taking place in-person only and will not be recorded. While this event is open to everyone, our content and adverting targets groups historically underrepresented in the Boston legal market.