Join us for our upcoming events!
See dates and times for our latest happenings at BLG, as well as events sponsored by our partners and member organizations!

BLG Law Student Mixer
Hear from the BLG, make new connections within the legal community in Boston, and enjoy an opportunity to drop in, have fun, and network with others over appetizers and refreshments

How to Succeed In Your Summer Position
Law students will hear from attorneys at BLG member organizations about how to succeed in their summer positions.

The Interview Process: What I Wish I’d Known
As we move closer to the interview season, wouldn’t it be nice to know what firms are really expecting and how to make the most of your interviews? Hear more from those that went through the firm interview process as they share what they wish they had known when they were in your shoes. Bring your questions!
BLG Member Event: Greenberg Traurig - “Demystifying Big Law”
Register for BLG Member Greenberg Traurig’s winter reception for 1Ls. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet with GT attorneys, participate in networking and panel opportunities, and learn about life in BigLaw.

BLG Member & Law Student Mixer
Hear from the BLG, make new connections within the legal community in Boston, and enjoy an opportunity to drop in, have fun, and network with others over appetizers and refreshments
BLG Member Event: Nutter Home for the Holidays Lunch & Learn
Register for BLG Member Nutter’s Home for the Holidays Lunch & Learn. You will hear from Partners & Associates about Nutter’s approach to the summer associate experience.
BLG Member Event: Morgan Lewis: Winter in the City 1L Reception
Register for BLG Member Morgan Lewis’s winter reception for 1Ls. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet with Morgan Lewis attorneys, hear more about the firm’s cutting-edge experience, and get a sneak peek of life at Morgan Lewis.
BLG Member Event: Skadden: Home for the Holidays 1L Reception
Register for BLG Member Skadden’s winter reception for 1Ls. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet with Skadden attorneys and learn about the firm.
BLG Member Event: Wilson Sonsini 1L Virtual Diversity Summit
The Wilson Sonsini 1L Virtual Diversity Summit is an enriching program that connects law students from across the country. The event will be held virtually on Friday, November 15, 2024, and registration is open until Friday, November 8, 2024, at 5pm PT/8pm ET.

BLG Partner Event: Boston Bar Association Career Fair
The BBA Law Student Career Fair aims to bridge the gap between aspiring law professionals and dynamic small to medium law firms in Boston.

BLG Member Meet & Greet
Hear from the BLG, make new connections within the legal community in Boston, and enjoy an opportunity to drop in, have fun, and network with others over appetizers and refreshments

Charting Your Legal Future
CYLF is an evening filled with rich perspectives from attorneys in BLG member organizations designed to help law students identify and expand their legal career options.

BLG Member Event: Anderson & Kreiger 2024 Diversity Fund Meet & Greet
Anderson Kreiger's annual Diversity Fund Meet & Greet will be taking place October 3rd from 5-7pm. This will be an evening of networking, food, drinks, and good company.

Affinity Leaders Welcome Dinner
The Affinity Leaders Welcome Event is for Affinity Bar Group Leadership from Boston’s local law schools.
This event highlights BLG’s calendar events for the upcoming year and offers resources for the Affinity Bar Groups and law students of color.

BLG Member Meet & Greet
Hear from the BLG, make new connections within the legal community in Boston, and enjoy an opportunity to drop in, have fun, and network with others over appetizers and refreshments

BLG Member Meet & Greet
Hear from the BLG, make new connections within the legal community in Boston, and enjoy an opportunity to drop in, have fun, and network with others over appetizers and refreshments

The Interview Process: What I Wish I’d Known
As we move closer to the interview season, wouldn’t it be nice to know what firms are really expecting and how to make the most of your interviews? Hear more from those that went through the firm interview process as they share what they wish they had known when they were in your shoes. Bring your questions!

Charting Your Legal Future Part 3
CYLF part three will be a half-day retreat filled with rich perspectives from attorneys in BLG member organizations designed to help law students identify and expand their legal career options.
BLG Member Event: Morgan Lewis: Winter in the City 1L Reception
Register to attend BLG Member Morgan Lewis’s winter reception for 1Ls. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet with Morgan Lewis attorneys, hear more about the firm’s cutting-edge experience, and get a sneak peek of life at Morgan Lewis.

BLG Member Meet & Greet
Hear from the BLG, make new connections within the legal community in Boston, and enjoy an opportunity to drop in, have fun, and network with others over appetizers and refreshments

Charting Your Legal Future Part 2
CYLF is an evening filled with rich perspectives from attorneys in BLG member organizations designed to help law students identify and expand their legal career options.

Charting Your Legal Future Part 1
CYLF is an evening filled with rich perspectives from attorneys in BLG member organizations designed to help law students identify and expand their legal career options.

Affinity Leaders Welcome Event
The Affinity Leaders Welcome Event is for Affinity Bar Group Leadership from Boston’s local Law Schools.
This event highlights BLG’s calendar events for the upcoming year and offers resources for the Affinity Bar Groups and law students of color.

BLG Member Event: Brown Rudnick Celebrates Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month
Please join Brown Rudnick LLP for a DEI Learning Series celebrating Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month on Tuesday, September 26th at 12 pm ET featuring Alejandra Campoverdi, author of the newly released book First Gen: A Memoir and former White House Deputy Director on Hispanic Media, in conversation with Litigation Partner Camille Vasquez. Litigation Associate Vanessa Toro-Plaza will also deliver opening remarks.

Affinity Leaders Welcome Event
The Affinity Leaders Welcome Event is for Affinity Bar Group Leadership from Boston’s local Law Schools.
This event highlights BLG’s calendar events for the upcoming year and offers resources for the Affinity Bar Groups and law students of color.

Charting Your Legal Future
CYLF is an evening filled with rich perspectives from attorneys in BLG member organizations designed to help law students identify and expand their legal career options.

Affinity Group Leaders Welcome Dinner
An overview of BLG’s mission, programs, and upcoming internships for the upcoming fiscal year. We have designed our initiatives to assist law school students of color in honing their professional skills, networking with established community members, and advancing their legal careers in Boston.

Legal Writing Workshop
Member organization Cooley facilitates a writing workshop guided by attorneys to train law students with critical tools for developing their writing skills.